It was a experience that I do not want to recall anymore in my life. One day, I had diarrhea and had to rush to toilet once an hour. When the dinner time came, I was very hungry and got nothing to eat. I decided to go out to buy a dinner ASAP after had one time diarrhea. I thought in this way I could have around 30 mins safe time.

Usually, it takes me only 10minutes to buy my dinner on my neighborhood. However, that day my motorcycle was ridden by my parents and brother. I need to  walk. It was late, and there was no store still opened in my neighborhood. I looked and looked around, finally I found a store sold the scallion meat pancake still opened. I was happy and ordered a scallion meat pancake to go. Who knew that they sold all the ready-made pancakes, and it took around 20 mins to get a new one! 

After they finished cooking and passed me the pancake, I had diarrhea on my white pants. I could felt there was shit flowed down from my leg to the shoe. It was so awkward! Fortunatly, I only smear some place on my home floor. After I threw the pants and underpants away, this terrible embarrassing thing came to an end. This experience tought me a lesson that never wore the white pants when you felt something wrong with the belly. 


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